Pick up and drop off of rental of discs can be done through our friendly partners at Yarralumla Play Station.
They’re located in Weston Park at 9 Pescott Ln, Yarralumla ACT 2600
Cost: $20 ($5 to rent with a $15 deposit per disc)
- The deposit will be returned to you once the discs are returned
- Any discs not returned after 2 weeks are considered lost and will forfeit the deposit
UDisc (iOS | Android) is a free disc golf app which will allow you to score and navigate tee to basket via GPS across all the courses.
If you intend to play a course outside Weston Park, here is some general advice:
- John Knight Park (Belconnen), Gold Creek High School (Nicholls) and Alfred Deakin High School (Deakin) are recommended for beginners
- Eddison Park (Phillip) is recommended for beginner to intermediate players
- Weston Park
- Beginner friendly layout is designed for beginners to intermediate players an will take about 1 hour
- White layout is recommended for beginner to intermediate players
- Gold layout is a long championship course and recommended for advanced players
For more details on courses see UDisc or go to