The dicey weather held off for the latest (and second last for the year) instalment of club day at John Knight Park.
Some new players joined us – Ollie Forster, Steve Price, Owen Sulway, Tarni Cunningham and Yanping Yu – welcome!
Special mentions of the day:
- The entire A grade division, who each shot below their rating. Andy Irons was the best of the lot, shooting a -6 (13 points below his rating)
- Ian Warren for taking out B grade with a handy -9 (48 points above his rating)
- Carol Hartley for destroying C grade with a -1 (a whopping 86 points above her rating)
- CTP winners Joshua Conroy (A grade – beat my shot on the last hole of the day 😤), William Bennett (B grade), and Peter Bligh (C grade)
- Dan Frost for taking out the scratch win with a -13 (after a very low quality sudden death forehand-only playoff with Jade Brady on hole 1)
- Tenzin Adams for a very impressive -10 as a new player. Hopefully without incident this time 😏
- Nicholas Gregg, for making the long trip from Cairns to Canberra just to attend our club day (one can only assume)!
- Zac James for very generously messing up his scorecard, awarding 2 eagles to cardmates Kevin Santo and William Bennett on hole 16! 🦅
- Steven Khoupongsy for ripping an absolute monster 118m drive (a PB by a mile) on the back 9 par 4 (hole 16), only to follow it up with a hilarious (sorry Steven) full-bodied 90 degree shank straight OB on the front 9 par 4 (hole 7). Slow is smooth and smooth is far!
- The 💸ace pot💸 for surviving yet another club day at John Knight Park, and all the OB strokes that were taken in vain (I’m looking at you Zac)
The next club day will be a dual-event affair, with Weston Golds teeing off at 8:30, and Weston Whites teeing off at 10:30. Register here for Golds, and here for Whites. Please register for one or the other – not both!
After the action, we’ll be hosting a free BBQ and presenting the end-of-season awards. So we have an idea of numbers, please register well in advance and tick the BBQ box if you plan on attending it.